Sunday, March 13, 2011

We overslept this morning so it was too late to take our walk if we wanted to get to church on time. John made us a very nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and orange juice. We should sleep in more often. While John was getting cleaned up, I finished up the jello salad for the potluck after church. I had started it last night as it had to be refrigerated overnight.

Between the time change and all the golf yesterday, John and I were pretty tired, so we spent the afternoon just relaxing (that means napping), watching the NCAA basketball games, and some golf. John wanted to try out the new club that h
e got from Ralph, so we went over to the driving range to hit some golf balls. John really likes this new club--he will have to work out a deal with Ralph about taking ownership if he is willing to part with it.

When we were through on the driving range, we took a little ride in the golf cart. Spring has arrived at the fort--the Mountain Laurel is in full bloom and the cactus are starting to bud.

On our ride, we ran into Sam Lark and asked if we could come over to his place and take a picture of the mirror John made. We thought it looked perfect with his furniture and decor. John did a super job!

John and I got back home in time to watch The Amazing Race and then spent the rest of the evening watching some more TV, reading and working on the computer. Tomorrow starts another fun filled week--we need to enjoy evening moment as the time for our stay in winding down.

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