Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rain, rain, and more rain. As you can probably guess, yesterday was a very rainy day; however, we did manage to get our morning walk in before the heavens opened. After breakfast I worked for several hours getting our new blog site set up while John continued his reading of Sarah Palin's book. By noon we were tired of being cooped up in the house and decided to take a road trip. We headed off to Eagle Pass which is a border town about 45 miles southeast of Brackettville. This was our very first visit to this town and we were pleasantly surprised--Eagle Pass has quite a bit to offer. We stopped for a quick lunch and then spent an hour or two walking in the mall where John managed to find some great sales on winter clothes. The sales racks attract him like a magnet. We also spent some time in Wal Mart where we picked up a few groceries and then found a great Lowe's. John could spend hours looking at all the different tools. We headed home in the pouring rain and spent a quiet evening eating pop corn, reading, and TV watching.

1 comment:

  1. buying winter clothing?? Dad, you are in Texas now - you don't need winter clothing! Is there a 'sales rack anonymous' you can start attending?? :)
    Great blog mom - check your email, too. Sue (acct.) has a question for you.


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