Friday, November 16, 2012

The skies continued to be overcast again today--must say I am sick of cloudy weather.  We had a long line of gray days in Minnesota before we left and were anxious to get to Texas to see some sun.  So far it hasn't shown up too often.  John and I were up early this morning and walked the golf course before breakfast.

Since we had nothing planned for today, we decided to take a quick trip into Del Rio.  Our first stop was Home Depot where we found a new mat to put in front our double doors.  Over the summer the heat dried out the rubber backing on the old, causing it to disintegrate, so it needed to be replaced.  From there we went to Wendy's to grab a quick lunch before heading over to Wal Mart to get some milk and a new black ink cartridge for the printer.  As usual, when we go to Wal Mart, you always pick up a little more than originally planned. 

John wanted to play some golf this afternoon when we got home, but I opted out.  My back has been giving me a little trouble, probably too much lifting of crates and moving things around, so I thought it best to skip it today.

We spent a pretty quiet evening watching "Gold Rush" on TV and Skyping with JD's family. 


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