Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Another Cold and Cloudy Day

The cold weather that's been griping the country is even being felt down here in southwest Texas.  Today the temps didn't make it out of the forties.  I know, it would be wonderful if it reached that high in northern Minnesota today, but it's cold for here.  John and I did manage to walk our loop around the golf course this morning

Today was men's golf and ten brave souls showed up to play.  John actually stopped back in on his way to the third hole to grab a pair of gloves as his hands were freezing.  Stan M. had stopped in the other day and asked John to do some minor plumbing in one of the condos.  Since we decided not to play golf this afternoon, he went over to the condo, checked out the kitchen faucet, purchased a new one, and got it installed.  My day was taken up with doing laundry and cleaning up in the bedroom.  

This evening we headed over to the RV kitchen for a movie night and to celebrate Gene B.'s birthday.  We watched "The Lone Ranger" and during an intermission, ate some ice cream and cake.
This cold weather is suppose continue tomorrow, so couples' golf has been canceled.  Maybe we'll have to take a road trip somewhere.

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