Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Computer Troubles

I wasn't able to post for the last couple of days due to some computer glitch on my laptop.  I can't figure out what has happened, but my browser won't let me onto any web sites.  I think I have found a way to work around the issue until I can find a computer repair person here in the area.

Monday was a beautiful day, but no golfing as the course was closed.  John went to wood carvers as usual while I did laundry and some straightening up around our little house.  That evening about 40 of the wood carvers and their spouses met up at the clubhouse for an appreciation dinner honoring Wallace and Becky Inge.  Wallace had decided to step back from leading the wood carving group and this dinner was their way of thanking him for all of the time he has spent teaching carving and letting the group meet at his home. 

Tuesday morning was golf.  Kathy and I were the only walkers so we moved through the nine holes pretty quickly.  We started on the third tee and when we ended up on the second, we met up with John and Paul.  They asked if we wanted to play the back nine, but while Kathy declined, I said I would play.  I had a pretty good round considering I don't play the back very often.  John and I got home in plenty of time for me to make a casserole for the potluck supper.  While I was working on that, John started putting a new coat of sealer on the wooden swing and chair on our deck.  He is also going to redo the decking when he gets a cloudy day. 

Our numbers were down for the supper as some folks were away; however, there were enough for three tables of "31".  I made it to the final round for both of my games, but lost.  John did the same, but won one of his games.  He has finally broken his losing streak. 

1 comment:

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