Tuesday, March 25, 2014

More Cool Weather

This Monday was the last meeting of the wood carvers for this winter.  John said there was a pretty good crowd even though some of the guys have headed out.  They will begin meeting again next December in the RV park kitchen area. 

I made a roast pork meal for lunch as I'm trying to get some of freezer items used up before we leave.  After eating, John headed over to Sam's place to prepare the floor for tiling.  I did some cleaning in the shed and put several items we didn't need out on the curb where someone will usually pick up the items before the trash truck comes along.  Monday is trash day and it's a good one for getting rid of items no longer wanted or needed.  

Today we thought the weather would be warmer and sunny, but instead the sky remained cloudy with a cool breeze.  John spent the morning over at Sam's getting the tile down onthe floor.  I took care of getting our finances up-to-date and started packing the winter clothes we brought down.  The temps are suppose to be in the 80's for the next ten days, so I don't think we'll need long sleeves.  We met up with John B. for nine holes this afternoon and this evening headed over to the RV park for potluck and cards.  The crowd is thinning out as a few more folks have hit the road for home.  Next week will be the final potluck for this season.  It's always sad when the activities come to an end and our friends start going their separate ways.


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