Monday, June 25, 2012

After a couple of days of off and on rain showers, some clear, sunny weather with comfortable temps is in the forecast for most of this week.  Our Monday was pretty low key--started off, as usual, with a walk followed by breakfast.

Early this morning John picked more strawberries while it was cooler and the garden had some shade.  He then spent a good portion of the day working on getting a better system to water his apple trees.  Those trees are on a slight side hill and when they are watered, most of it runs off.  John dug all the grass out from around the base of the trees making a little moat.  He then spread some manure around each and watered them.  The water stayed around the trees and, hopefully, they will get more moisture at the roots.

I was busy today doing laundry and working on end of the month finances--balancing the checkbook, etc.  I got the office straighten up and found boxes for the items I want to put on ebay this week.  That pretty much sums up our day.  This evening we watched more of the Olympic trials for swimming and track.

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