Monday, September 3, 2012

The strong winds of yesterday died down overnight so that made it a little easier walking this morning.  It clouded over this afternoon and we received a brief shower, and I do mean brief--it barely got the sidewalk wet. 

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, we have tomatoes ripening and needed to decide what to do with them.  John did some searching on the internet and found a recipe for tomato/vegetable juice he wanted to try.  We didn't have all the ingredients, so he made a quick run into town to get what we needed. With the recipe's different steps, it took most of the afternoon to make the juice by the time we chopped the vegetables, cooked them, put them through our strainer, and then processed the jars in the water bath.  Since we have plenty of tomatoes, peppers, and onions still in the garden, we'll be making more juice in a few days.  There is one more item we want to make and that's applesauce.  We are just waiting for the bulk apples to arrive in the store.

In between steps for making the juice, I did some laundry and we also watched the PGA.  Our weather warmed up into the low 90's this afternoon, so it felt good to stay inside and keep cool in the AC.  With the garden just about done and the grass brown from lack of rain, the outside chores have slowed down quite a bit.


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