Friday, April 30, 2010

The rains continued again today. There was a brief break this morning, so we were able to get in our walk. After breakfast, John headed back down to the shop to continue making parts and to give a hand with staining the tables that were made the other day.

Making parts for tables

Tables drying on racks after staining

While John was busy in the shop, I did several loads of laundry and some straightening up around the house. Tomorrow we are heading off to the cities to pick up a little boat John bought on E-bay. I spent some time on the computer finding the directions to where we have to pick it up. Hopefully between our Garmin and these directions, we won't get lost.

Last week we bought seed for the birds and finally got our feeders back up in the yard. It took several days, but the birds are starting to return. It is fun to watch how they interact with each other
and how they establish a pecking order for who eats first at the feeders.

By early evening the clouds broke up and the sun came out. Hopefully, we will have some sunshine tomorrow. We ate a late supper and then watched some TV--need to get to bed early as we will have a long drive tomorrow.

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