Thursday, June 13, 2013

Since it was such a beautiful day again, we only worked a couple of hours in the shop after our morning walk.  John and I finally got most of the shelves emptied and hauled quite a few boxes of wood out to the woodshed to be burned.  Now we have to start sorting through the good pieces and getting it stacked in some sort of order so John can decide what he wants to keep and what should be sold.  Once this is done, then we can concentrate on the machinery, small tools, and the many other smaller items that are in all the different areas of the shop.

John spent the rest of the day puttering around the garden and took care of a few jobs that have been hanging around this spring.  Our flag pole broke last fall in a strong wind, so today he got that fixed and back up with a new flag at the top.  He also planted the rose bushes we purchased the other day and moved more of the split wood by the shop to the shed.  

I kept busy catching up on some laundry and working on the computer listing some items on ebay.  Sara is having a garage sale next weekend, so after supper John took a few tables up to her.  I will be putting of few items on her sale, so now I have to get busy pricing and boxing them up.

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