Monday, August 25, 2014

Fall Day

The high humidity continued yesterday, so after church I hung out around the house working on sorting our old Legos and getting them photographed and ready to put on ebay after we return from the East Coast.  I'm hoping folks will be thinking of possible Christmas gifts and might be looking for some vintage Legos.  While I was busy with the Legos, John headed up to JD's place and helped John and Joanne erect a trellis for their grape vines.  John had given them a couple of shoots in the spring and they have taken root and growing quickly.

A cold front went through last night and the humidty finally moved out.  In its wake came much cooler temps (highs in the low 60's) and strong winds.  It really felt like a fall day, but perfect for playing golf.  Once we were back home, I packaged up the items I sold on ebay last week.  I dropped them off on my way to Bemidji for a doctor's appointment--it was my turn for my annual physical.  As soon as I was finished, I drove back home where an hour and a half later John and I returned to Bemidji for some quick grocery shopping, supper at BK, and then on to Blackduck for Rachel's first volleyball game of the season.  The eighth grade Bears were winners tonight--two games to one.  We stayed and watched the varsity play a couple of games, but decided to head home as it was getting late and we both had a busy day.

 Rachel returning vollies


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