Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It was another beautiful day in northern California. John and I have been able to walk each morning since we arrived. It is a lot different walking here than in either Minnesota or Texas. Everywhere you walk is a residential area. However, the streets wind around and there are many circles and courts that have no outlet. Our first morning even John got disoriented, but we finally learned how the streets run and made our way back to the house okay.

Today is graduation. Susie had to run Zach back to school for another practice. While she was gone, Jessie, Isaac, and John did some chores around the house to help ready things for Saturday's open house. I was in charge of cleaning up the kitchen and then Maggie and I pressed Zach's graduation gown.

Maggie wants to repaint her room, so following lunch, John, Jesse, Maggie and I went off to Lowe's to pick out some paint and wallpaper border. Maggie found exactly what she was looking for--not too sure Mom and Dad are going to like it, but, hey, it's Maggie's room. When we got back to the house, we had another game of bean bag toss--this time Isaac and I won. Then it was pool time again.

Zach left for graduation and then the rest of us went about an hour and a half later. It was a beautiful evening and the ceremony was held out of doors in the football stadium. It was great to be here to see our grandson graduate. There was a reception in the school afterward and then we went to an open house for one of Zach's friends. It was a busy evening and everyone was ready for bed when we got home.

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