Friday, June 4, 2010

Well, we made out much better on our walk today--we didn't get lost. John and I pretty much kept to our familiar route and familiar surroundings. We didn't want to take too long as we had a very busy day in front of us.

First thing this morning, Susie baked the first of two pound cakes (it's Zach's favorite). While we waited for the cake to bake, John and Jesse fixed the picnic table to make it more sturdy. Then we all loaded in the van to drop Zach off at work. From there we headed to Sam's Club to pick up the food for tomorrow.

After lunch Susie took Isaac to his doctor's appointment. John and Jesse did some more trimming in the yard while Maggie and I did some straightening up in the house. Mike came home early from work to lend a hand with the preparations. Later in the afternoon Mike took Isaac to his life saving class while Susie and John went to pick up Zach from work. Jesse, Maggie and I stayed home and got supper ready.

After supper everybody did their own thing--watching DVD's. reading, and playing electronic games. Tomorrow is the big party--we need to be up nice and early to get ready. Everyone has their job assignments.

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