Friday, July 5, 2013

Magpie Nursery

A month or so ago, John and I noticed a couple of black birds with white and blue wing feathers going back and forth from the large pine tree to the west of our house.  We were told they are Magpies.  As we kept watch, we saw them building a huge nest out of sticks.  Their nest reminded us of the Bald Eagle nests we have seen in the area.  One day we could hear some little squawks--these birds don't sing, they squawk and we haven't had a quiet day since.  As the little ones have grown, the squawking has increased in both volume and duration.  Mom and Dad MP have been constantly flying to and from the nest trying to keep the little ones fed (we counted five kids in the family).  When the parents are away from the nest, the kids are absolutely still and quiet; however, once they return, mayhem breaks out as the kids squawk constantly until they receive some chow.  Then all is absolutely quiet again when the parents fly away to retrieve more bugs, etc.  

Yesterday we noticed the little guys had ventured to a different tree in our backyard and this evening they moved to a another tree out front by our small pond.  Most of the day they stayed in the home pine tree and just jumped from branch to branch and posed for a few photos.  I could approach them and get fairly close without them moving.  I think they thought if they didn't move I couldn't see them.  They still have quite a few of what I call their baby feathers and don't seem to be able to fly far.  They are getting big, but the parents still feed them.

  They sit all day with their mouths open
waiting to be fed.  

This morning John and I were in the process of cleaning out the old milk house when Matt dropped in for a visit, so we called it quits for the day and sat up on the porch and visited the rest of the morning.  Later this afternoon we went to Bemidji so John could pick up some wood glue and duct tape and I could get some socks.  We ate a quick supper at BK, filled up the Honda, and stopped for a couple of grocery items before heading back home.  The weather has been very warm and humid for northern MN, so we have been staying put inside in the cool AC. 

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