Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There is only one word needed to describe today--COLD. It was 39 degrees when we left the house this morning and the highs only reached the low 40's. Add a stiff breeze and you had one miserable day--even the sun didn't show up.

I had Weight Watchers today, so John came along to keep me company. I usually go with Lois Carlson, but she is still laid up with a bad foot. After the meeting we went for lunch and from there to Home Depot so John could get a sink plug for Metcalf's new sink. We also made a stop at Wal Mart to stock up on groceries.

Once we reached home, we had no intention of venturing outside again, so John and I spent the remainder of the afternoon and evening watching some TV, reading, and trying to stay warm.

1 comment:

  1. Has living in Texas made you forget what cold is? When the temps get below zero then you can talk about cold!


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