Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The temps this morning were once again on the cold side--33 degrees when we left the house for our walk.  With no breeze, it didn't take long to get warmed up and enjoy the beautiful morning which turned into a very beautiful day with highs in the upper 70's.  

Wednesday is men's golf and Weight Watchers, so this meant that John and I pretty much went our separate ways for most of the day.  There were 15 guys playing this morning, so they divided up into five teams of three.  John's team ended up one over par for nine holes.  After lunch John installed headlights on the golf cart.  He bought the lights last year, but never got around to getting them on the cart.  Now he needs to have Chuck E. come over and help him with the wiring.

I attended my WW meeting then stopped for a quick lunch, checked out the sales in JC Penny, and then headed to HEB for some fresh produce and a few grocery items.  While I was shopping, John called and said Rodger and Tudi invited some folks over for a hotdog roast at 4 p.m., so I needed to keep an eye on the clock to get home in time to go.

Twelve of us gathered around the fire on Rodger's back patio and enjoyed a nice meal and conversation. 

 Gene, Everett, John, and Chuck

 Nancy and Randy

 Tudi and Rodger

 Hotdogs cooking

 John Roasting the above hotdogs

Rodger and Gene

Once the sun went down, the party broke up and we all returned to our cozy homes.

1 comment:

  1. Hey your not using your bad shoulder to roast them dogs are you!


Roofing Being Done Everywhere!!

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